Hooked on Anime: The Gateway Drug to Animation


Stick Figures and Super Powers: My Animated Adventures (1) 

Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been mesmerized by the vibrant world of anime. The special effects, the fluidity of fight scenes, and the sheer creativity behind each frame inspired me to dive into the world of animation. I wanted to create my own stories, characters, and epic battles that could evoke the same excitement I felt watching my favorite shows. Animation became my passion, a way to bring my imagination to life and share it with others. I started experimenting with different styles, sometimes drawing my characters by hand and other times using tools like Pivot Stickfigure Animator to bring my stick figures to life. The simplicity of stick figures allowed me to focus on the fundamentals of movement and timing, which are crucial in animation. I found immense joy in the process of creation, from conceptualizing a scene to watching it come alive frame by frame. This passion fueled my desire to improve and to one day create animations that could inspire others the way anime inspired me.

Thanks for reading! Please click the image to read the next part to this blog:




  1. The first part of my Stick Figures and Super Powers: My Animated Adventures blog series.


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